segunda-feira, 13 de setembro de 2010

Expecting the unexpected...

What do you expect from people?
What do people expect from you?
Life is made of expectations. You expect to be noticed, recognised, loved, valued, invited. Always.

But what happens when you try to expect what you simply can't?
We are always concerned about our big steps in life. When in the long run our small steps and everyday moments are the ones we'll actually remember.

Of course we need to have plans. We obviously need goals, objectives, something to struggle and work for! It's the fuel of our lives.

But what if while you're focused on your plans, working on your projects, things just happen. Regardless of your expectations.

This is the magic of life. Unpredictability. Once again.

terça-feira, 1 de junho de 2010

Stop predicting and start living!

What if life is unpredictable? Not unpredictable like you don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow, or if you'll have your job or a change in your relationships...
What if life is unpredictable to the point something is gonna happen tomorrow and it will turn your world upside down? Something that makes you feel the smallest person in the world, but still, the most important person on the planet?
Life is a paradox. It's worth living. It's too short. It's crazy, candy baby! It's beautiful though it's hard.
Life is being alive. And being thankful for that. And revelling in that. And being glad to be here. And being... just being...
Living is more than breathing. Living is being breathless. It's staring at a picture reminiscing good old days. It's looking at the same picture and wondering about the future! Living is trying. Living is experiencing. Living is loving. Living is leaving. Living is leaving things and people behind and being open to the new. It's being who you are. Even if you don't know who you are... other people will.
I have been perceiving that. We always leave a mark. Living is leaving marks!
I hope I can keep perceiving. The marks I leave. And the marks which are left on me. And I also hope you share the feeling.

quarta-feira, 12 de maio de 2010

Comparing or not comparing...

Comparing is inevitable... unavoidable, some might say. Is it? Really? Not sure about figures, but we must use comparisons more than 200 times a day. I know... you can`t help it.
`She looks fatter` `I`m calmer` `He is quieter` `We are more distant` `They are closer` and so forth.
Why is it that we keep comparing everything involuntarily. Is it part of human nature? What`s the use of knowing I`m more distant from someone? The fact is that I am distant! I am! Now! And what am I doing about it? Now! At this very moment... Are you more...? Are you less...? Does it really matter?
Life is full of `what ifs`... We even compare things that could have been... it could have been easier, better, worse... things that never even happened... and we share some thoughts about that...
What is it that makes us so vulnerable to ourselves? To our own thoughts? Maybe we should believe more... trust more... (can`t get rid of the word MORE)...

quarta-feira, 21 de abril de 2010


Well, aproveitando a idéia de uma amiga que me perguntou se eu faria um blog bilíngue, acho que este é um bom começo...
O aboutperceptions anda me fazendo refletir sobre algumas coisas. A idéia de escrever sobre percepções, me faz trabalhar mais nas minhas. Gostei. Faz sentido? Não precisa! Aí vai algumas das coisas que tenho observado...
1. A idéia de que tem sempre algo acontecendo. SEMPRE. Não importa onde ou com quem você esteja, e mesmo que esteja sozinho. Olhar ao redor. Sentir cheiros. Sentir vento. Sentir o silêncio. Alguém aí já sentiu o silêncio? Aconselho.
2. As pessoas não tem idéia de como suas reações, palavras e gestos tem o poder de afetar as outras. A mínima coisa... a mínima frase... a mínima palavra. Hoje pode até ter passado despercebido, amanhã causará um grande estrago emocional. Que doido!!
3. É muito mais fácil lidar com as pessoas quando sabemos o que está se passando em suas vidas. Quando relevamos uma "patada" por sabermos o que está por trás dela... saber que não é comigo, saber que posso e devo ajudar de alguma maneira... e saber que foi um momento único, que não volta mais, mas que pode ser revertido em algo muito maior e de muito mais significado, se souber ser trabalhado.
4. Valorizar. Valorizar. Valorizar. Os momentos. PONTO.

sexta-feira, 16 de abril de 2010

about perceptions...

It's not that I didn't perceive things around me before... I never felt the need of publishing my thoughts and observations... In fact I still don't, but it's time for a change!
This is a place to share thoughts and perceptions... let me know if you like them or not, if you agree with them or not, or simply don't let me know...
There is always something happening around. ALWAYS