quarta-feira, 12 de maio de 2010

Comparing or not comparing...

Comparing is inevitable... unavoidable, some might say. Is it? Really? Not sure about figures, but we must use comparisons more than 200 times a day. I know... you can`t help it.
`She looks fatter` `I`m calmer` `He is quieter` `We are more distant` `They are closer` and so forth.
Why is it that we keep comparing everything involuntarily. Is it part of human nature? What`s the use of knowing I`m more distant from someone? The fact is that I am distant! I am! Now! And what am I doing about it? Now! At this very moment... Are you more...? Are you less...? Does it really matter?
Life is full of `what ifs`... We even compare things that could have been... it could have been easier, better, worse... things that never even happened... and we share some thoughts about that...
What is it that makes us so vulnerable to ourselves? To our own thoughts? Maybe we should believe more... trust more... (can`t get rid of the word MORE)...

2 comentários:

  1. Nice... "More" give us a clue about how our soul is trapped on its chains...

    Our soul must be free, completely, with no strings attached, otherwise we will keep on comparing things (even uncounciously).

    Free you mind, free your body, free your soul... and live your life to its complete possibility.

  2. Living life to the fullest...
    It's not comparison, but still superlative...
    can't get rid of any of it...
    It's driving me nuts!
